FC-02x Livable Future Cities ( 2nd Run) - Compulsory Exercise 4
Uploaded on 2016-04-30 by RobsBastos
What ecosystem services do you have in and around your living area? Give at least one example for each of the four types of ecosystem services. Provisioning services: *Food: o Brasil é grande produtor e exportador agropecuário.* ![][1] Produção de Café – Brasil (http://bomjardimnoticia.com/2015/06/21/10-maiores-produtores-de-cafe-do-mundo/) *Raw materials: the country is a major producer of sugarcane (biofuel)* *Fresh water: We have a sufficient water supply network to the population but 5,565 Brazilian municipalities (data 2012), 55% will have a deficit in water supply already in 2015 (it was happened). The study showed that 84% of cities require urgent investments to adequacy of its producers drinking water systems.* *Medicinal resources: We have public health service that could be quality, but now does not work on the inefficiency of its management and the economic crisis in which the country finds itself.* Regulating services: *Local climate and air quality: like every developed country, our intense industrialization and urbanization destabilizes our climate, depending on the issue without control because of the greenhouse gases, which also does not allow us to have a good air quality.* ![][2] Industrialization - São Paulo (http://www.diariodolitoral.com.br/emprego/industria-de-sao-paulo-contrata-5-mil-trabalhadores/56617/) ![][3] Urbanization - São Paulo (http://blog.leetelemensagem.com.br/2010/01/16/sao-pauloa-maior-cidade-do-brasil/) Habitat or Supporting services: *Habitats for species: our flora and fauna is rich mainly in the forest region of Amazonia, as the environment is conducive to the maintenance and reproduction of the species. But it is need an intense control of the region, since there is a severe degradation due to illegal logging.* ![][4] Lake Amazonas Amazônia – Brasil (http://www.panoramio.com/photo/1001375) ![][5] Amazônia – Brasil (http://www.aquafluxus.com.br/dia-da-amazonia-5-de-setembro/) ![][6] Illegal timber trade – Pará – Brasil (http://www.greenpeace.org/brasil/pt/Blog/balsas-que-levam-a-amaznia-nas-costas/blog/44147/) Cultural services: *Recreation and mental and physical health: in major cities have large parks, areas conducive to physical activity outdoors.* *Tourism: the country is known for beautiful beaches and rich nature, which encourages the arrival of tourists.* ![][7] Fernando de Noronha - Brasil (http://www.decolar.com/turismo/fen/fernando+de+noronha/) [1]: https://edxuploads.s3.amazonaws.com/14620564773589082.jpg [2]: https://edxuploads.s3.amazonaws.com/14620566896975929.jpg [3]: https://edxuploads.s3.amazonaws.com/14620567784599958.jpg [4]: https://edxuploads.s3.amazonaws.com/14620568866651897.jpg [5]: https://edxuploads.s3.amazonaws.com/14620570639359658.jpg [6]: https://edxuploads.s3.amazonaws.com/14620571834329169.jpg [7]: https://edxuploads.s3.amazonaws.com/14620572761674252.jpg