Uploaded on 2016-05-02 by paulimartins88
What ecosystem services do you have in and around your living area? Give at least one example for each of the four types of ecosystem services. Make clear in your answer where you can find the ecosystem service and what the ecosystem offers to your living area. To support your answers you are asked to provide one or more images for every example that describe the respective services. a. *Provisioning services* Agriculture is one of the bases of Argentina's economy. Agricultural goods, whether raw or processed earn over half of Argentina's foreign exchange and arguably remain an indispensable pillar of the country's social progress and economic prosperity. An estimated 10-15% of Argentine farmland is foreign owned. One fourth of Argentine exports of about US$86 billion in 2011 were composed of unprocessed agricultural primary goods, mainly soybeans, wheat and maize. A further one third were composed of processed agricultural products, such as animal feed, flour and vegetable oils. ![Soy field in Argentina's fertile pampa's region][1] ![Balcarce - Buenos Aires - Argentina][2] b. *Regulating services* The Ministery of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries has developed some plans of land management in order to regulate land uses and monitor areas affected by climate disasters or prevent side events. Although some actions and plans have been taken, there's still a lot more to do about this topic to develop efficient systems. c. *Habitat or Supporting services* Buenos Aires has the particularity of being a coastal city and even though this is not incorporated from the perspective of urban planning, taking into account coastal walks to develop interesting and livable spaces, it's part of the habitat of the city together with the few main green spaces of the city which are Palermo Lakes and The Ecology Reserve. ![Buenos Aires Ecological Reserve][3] ![Palermo main park][4] ![Palermo neighborhood as a sports hub][5] d. *Cultural services* The city offers a wide variety of cultural events throughout the year and even during the whole days of the week. Lots of museums, historical heritage buildings, parks and community centers showing not only about historic culture but also contemporary lifestyle, arts and activities. ![Konex Cultural Center][6] [1]: https://edxuploads.s3.amazonaws.com/1462164985214113.jpg [2]: https://edxuploads.s3.amazonaws.com/14621651447198762.jpg [3]: https://edxuploads.s3.amazonaws.com/1462167705707255.jpg [4]: https://edxuploads.s3.amazonaws.com/14621678386445781.jpg [5]: https://edxuploads.s3.amazonaws.com/14621678618090839.jpg [6]: https://www.google.com.au/maps/uv?hl=es&pb=!1s0x95bcb577e34f9e55:0x6dd823092cb367d9!2m5!2m2!1i80!2i80!3m1!2i100!3m1!7e115!4shttps://picasaweb.google.com/lh/sredir?uname=110183596795668954134&id=6145760155110856178&target=PHOTO!5scentro%20cultural%20konex%20-%20Buscar%20con%20Google&imagekey=!1e3!2s-oSjq6XDcTEA/VNlNyr_Z6TI/AAAAAAAAAAc/oQbHZNXS6AkuMUcJ9BcLCoJXN6F7cl5Ig&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjIsJLW2LrMAhXG5aYKHdywClQQoioIiQEwCg