Ecosystem services in Espirito Santo, Brazil
FC-02x Livable Future Cities ( 2nd Run) - Compulsory Exercise 4
Uploaded on 2016-04-18 by Anderson_Azevedo
- Provisioning services: Raw materials, as Eucalyptus and other specimens are largely planted over some cities nearby, like Aracruz, Fundão and Linhares, for example, as well as sugar cane, iron extracted from mines at the capital, Vitoria, and countryside areas, as well as oil from deep waters. Indirectly, we, citizens of Espirito Santo and our government, get royalties and profits from all these provisioning services, with (supposed) regular investments on our economic sectors. ![The valleys in countryside areas are far more populated with farmers who cultivate trees for industry.][1] - Regulating services: Our local climate and air quality, carbon sequestration and storage, moderation of extreme events and erosion prevention and maintenance of soil fertility are closely connected, going from our green cities, with great and preserved amount of trees, which help keep our air quality good and carbon sequestration considerably high. Lastly, waste-water treatment is fortunately a real thing in my hometown, being improved and spread as the society demands to government and the company responsible, through dialogues between the parties. ![Not only green, but lakes and wellsprings help to keep a good microclimate.][2] - Habitat or Supporting services: In Vitoria and some close cities, have centers with habitats for specifics species and zoos where it also species are kept and care. ![Species kept in the zoos nearby.][3] - Cultural services: Recreation, mental and physical health and spiritual experience and sense of place are super emphasized here, once we have a traditional and historical religious culture tangled to our day by day, and those institutions normally promote activities that are related to the cultural services mentioned before. Aesthetic appreciation and inspiration for culture, art and design, and tourism are also very present in our community. ![Religious events tangled to physical activities][4] ![And Cultural events in public parks in the surroundings.][5] [1]: [2]: [3]: [4]: [5]: