WEEK8 - Ecosystem services in Zurich
FC-02x Livable Future Cities ( 2nd Run) - Compulsory Exercise 4
Uploaded on 2016-04-10 by elyaskazmi
The first example is a provisioning service: Around the city of Zurich is the Greifensee. In this lake fishery is authorized and the lake corresponds to a provisioning service for commercial fisher because they make their livelihood by selling these fishs. Greifensee near Zurich ![Greifensee near Zurich][1] The second example is a regulating service: It's the trees in the city center. It helps reducing local air pollution and regulate temperature in the city. Trees in a street in Zurich city center ![][2] Teh next example is a habitat/supporting example of ecoystem service: It's the botanic garden of Zurich. Indeed the university of Zurich has implemented a botanic garden in the city which helps maintain and grow plants biodiversity. Botanic Garden of Zurich ![][3] The last example of ecosystem services is a cultural service: I refer here to the Zoo of Zurich. This ecosystem can be seen as a cultural service for local people as recreational activity or for tourisms. In any cases, it also brings some economic activity. Zurich Zoo ![][4] [1]: http://www.helloswitzerland.ch/documents/10180/1594011/greifensee_3.jpg/892aedcd-2b1f-42fe-8ad0-d0fc35ee9108?t=1436431084000 [2]: https://edxuploads.s3.amazonaws.com/146029005582717.jpg [3]: http://www.museen-zuerich.ch/imagecache/exhibition_detail/museum/image_detail/tropenhauser-neu-mai-2013-1.jpg [4]: http://www.netdesigner.ch/en/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2015/10/20150110_zoozh_0005web-800x390.jpg