Ecosystem Services in Campinas, Brazil
FC-02x Livable Future Cities ( 2nd Run) - Compulsory Exercise 4
Uploaded on 2016-04-22 by biancanasser
![][1] In the image, one example of the primariest and heathiest ways of food that we can have in brazilian cities. Fruits and vegetables that came directly from the pantation to these types of selling points (we cal 'tents'). Regulating services ![][2] Ralph Stettinger Square is near an river of the city. There, people can do gym activities, yoga, relax, read a book and among other things. In addition, citizens are in the direct contact with water, what it is a difficult situation in a big metropole as Campinas. Cultural services This is an example of a cultural space in my city. There, the citizens can have access to the Agronomical Institute of the State, can see the old Big House, among others activities. ![Ecological Park][3] [1]: [2]: [3]: