Ecosystem Services in Barranquilla, Colombia
FC-02x Livable Future Cities ( 2nd Run) - Compulsory Exercise 4
Uploaded on 2016-04-20 by MaximilianPalm
------------------- Provisioning Services --------------------- The nearby river and ocean supply the city with fish as well as salt. ![River with fishing boats][1] Source: Regulating Services ------------------- Trees regulate climate in the streets and greatly accommodate pedestrians by providing shade. ![Tree shading the below walking spaces][2] Habitat or Supporting Services ------------------------------ Green areas are home to many birds and often also iguanas, which in turns serves to make the city more interesing and inspiring to tourists and residents. ![Tree and iguana][3] Cultural Services ----------------- The nearby ocean attracts tourists and serves as recreational space. Parks in the city mainly serve for social get-togethers and places to exercise. ![Park with exercise machines][4] Source: Google Maps/Street View [1]: [2]: [3]: [4]: