Ecosystem Services: Herndon VA (USA)
FC-02x Livable Future Cities ( 2nd Run) - Compulsory Exercise 4
Uploaded on 2016-03-29 by arqpablomartinez
So, many of the resources are providing from the County of Fairfax suppliers. ******1. Ecosystem services in your living area*** **What ecosystem services do you have in and around your living area? Give at least one example for each of the four types of ecosystem services.***** **a. Provisioning services** SOURCES OF DRINKING WATER IN THE TOWN OF HERNDON The Town of Herndon purchases finished water from Fairfax Water. Fairfax Water draws surface water from two primary sources: the Potomac River and the Occoquan Reservoir, which is fed by the Occoquan River. Treatment facilities are located at opposite ends of Fairfax County and feed an interconnected distribution system. Source: ![Potomac River in Washington DC. Photo by Pablo Martínez][1] **b. Regulating services** SOURCE WATER ASSESSMENT AND PROTECTION Under provisions of the Safe Drinking Water Act, states are required to develop comprehensive Source Water Assessment Programs that identify the watersheds that supply public tap water, provide an inventory of contaminants in the watershed, and assess susceptibility to contamination in the watershed. Source water assessments for Fairfax Water watersheds were conducted by the Virginia Department of Health. Based on the criteria developed by the state, the Potomac River and Occoquan reservoir were determined to be of high susceptibility to contamination. This determination is consistent with the state’s finding of other surface waters (rivers, lakes, streams) throughout the Commonwealth of Virginia. The assessment consists of maps of the watershed area that were evaluated, an inventory of known land use activities, and documentation of any known source water contamination within the last five years. Source: **c. Habitat or Supporting services-** HABITATS FOR SPECIES Herndon 2030 Comprehensive Plan Natural Environment | IV-1 Adopted August 12, 2008 IV. The Natural Environment *"Due to the development pressures from population and economic growth in the region, much of northern Virginia’s natural environment has been replaced with residential, commercial and office developments. The natural areas in town include four natural parks - Runnymede, Stanton, Monroe Street and Spring Street – and the publicly and privately owned floodplain areas. With limited green space and the air and water pollution generated by the built environment, protecting our natural resources becomes more critical. State and federal mandates have required the town to implement environmentally sensible policies relating to recycling, stormwater management and stream buffers. While the town’s existing policies meet the mandates, the town should encourage and support pollution control measures and environmental policies that surpass the minimum requirements, thereby improving the environment and natural resources throughout the town. The town should emphasize environmental stewardship and be a leader in environmental policy."* Source: This "diagnostic" has been taken by the Government and exist a lot of part of forest, lakes and other protected ecosystem to preserve habitats for native species. ![][2] **d. Cultural services** TOURISM At Great Falls, the Potomac River builds up speed and force as it falls over a series of steep, jagged rocks and flows through the narrow Mather Gorge. The Patowmack Canal offers a glimpse into the early history of this country. Great Falls Park has many opportunities to explore history and nature, all in a beautiful 800-acre park only 15 miles from the Nation's Capital. Source: *"A sense of place also comes with space to recharge and enjoy nature's wonders. Though Herndon is located in a major metropolitan area, Parks and Recreation has established eleven neighborhood parks that bring nature to virtually every resident's backyard. Herndon is also home to two walking trails, Sugarland Run Trail and the historic Washington and Old Dominion Trail (W&OD)."* Suorce: ![WO&D][3] [1]: [2]: [3]: