Uploaded on 2016-02-22 by OyvBerg
2. I live at an Student town called Moholt. My main reason for moving here was the sports community established here, I could move in with other sharing the same interest as myself. Besides that det low price were important, and much more important than the perhaps lower standard I live under than I could have, if I was willing to pay more. Having the city and the Campus close to me, but at the same time living close to the forest was also important. Therefore the ranked list is as follows: Social community, economy, infrastructure/transportation and nature. 3. I think my residence would get 75 on a scale of 100, the city would get 95. 4. To improve livability, my first move would have been to ban cars in the citycentre and strictly reduce usage in the rest of the town. This would as well be an public health measure. 5. If I was to move the choice would stand between the mountain village I was raised in, Copenhagen and Edinburgh. Qualities: Mountain village (environment, family and social network, recreation possibilities, housing and climate) The two cities (International connectivity, job opportunities, recreation possibilities, environment and housing.)![Landly, but close to all the city has to offer. (not my own picture)][1] [1]: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/d/d2/Moholt_student_housing_area_1.jpg