Improvements for Cycling Infrastructure in Barranquilla, Colombia
FC-02x Livable Future Cities ( 2nd Run) - Compulsory Exercise 6
Uploaded on 2016-04-30 by MaximilianPalm
Citizen Science Project ----------------------- Using one or several mobile apps, citizens can record the paths where they ride their bike or where they would like to ride it, but can't. They can also report pot-holes or other damages and make suggestions where to put bike-lanes and -stands. The path data could also be extracted from third party applications like the Google Fit API, Cyclementer and so on. All this yields a dataset which shows the current situation as well es demands regarding bicycle usage in the city. Citizen Design Platform ----------------------- The data is made available on a design platform where citizens can explore it, e.g. on maps, in charts or with their own tools. They can then draft plans to improve the situation. Depending on the degree of involvement and expertise, this could range from a simple drawing to a complete project proposal including costs estimations. Using peer review and voting mechanisms, the most promising works can be brought to the attention to the authorities' experts and evaluated for implementation. ![Rough sketch of citizen science project and citizen design platform][1] [1]: