Uploaded on 2015-10-30 by RyabovaElhana
So, in 2010 total supply of energy sourses was 1877 Mtep (Million-ton Equivalent of petroleum). 1. The dominant part of these amount belongs to Natural gas (52%), than go Crude oil (27%) and Coal (10%). Together they sum 89% of all energy sourses in the inside market. Electricity from Hydropower (5,5%), Nuclear fuel (4,5%) and Renewable sourses (1%) give in sum only 11%. 2. The main consumer of energy sourses is Indusrty. Its totall demand in 2010 was 42% (803 Mtep). The next two are Transport (15,6%) and Households (13,4%). We also have great energy losses (both in transportation and heat energy), connected with outdated equipment and significant pipe ranges. In 2010 losses were 10,7% of total energy demand. Around the same enegry (9,6%) demands Services. Building (4,0%), Agriculture (2,3%) and Non-energy use (2,4%) put together 8,7% of total demand. Below I show you the Sankey diagramm of energy flows inside Russia. Picture 1. Sankey diagramm of energy flows ![enter image description here][1] Then, 3) How can we improve the sources and the consumption of energy? Our country makes only the first steps in this way. Firstly, we inculcate water and gas counters and then electricity counters (in project) and popularize ideas of rational consumption. Picture 2. Water counters ![enter image description here][2] Secondly, we can create and use new isolating materials, allowing save more heat inside the building. Picture 3. New heat-saving isolated building material ![enter image description here][3] Thirdly, we planned to use more renewable enegy: geothermal, tidal, solar and wind. Picture 4. Geotermal sourses in Russia ![enter image description here][4] And also we have energy efficiency problems connected with two points: centralization and distances. In our country all energy producing is centralized. Energy flows through great distances from power plants to consumers, who can live many kilometers far more plant. That's why we have so great transportation losses, as I said before. This broblem could be solved by making mini-hydropower station nearby the consumers and, of course, by introducing renewable energy sourses. Picture 5. The part of mini-hydropower station in Pinsky district, Russia ![enter image description here][5] [1]: https://edxuploads.s3.amazonaws.com/14461873113966416.jpg [2]: https://edxuploads.s3.amazonaws.com/1446187427162634.jpg [3]: https://edxuploads.s3.amazonaws.com/14461876868314933.jpg [4]: https://edxuploads.s3.amazonaws.com/14461879995906217.png [5]: https://edxuploads.s3.amazonaws.com/14461887551021099.jpg