Uploaded on 2016-04-03 by Achilles7
Oil & Oil Product Imports: 14,14 Mtoe (about 96% of fossil fuel consumption). **2. Where are the dominant fossil fuels mainly used for in your country?** ![Graph 6-2 Ecuador][1] **3. New policy to improve the environmental friendly and sustainable sources and consumption of energy of my country** It is important to note that 8 new hydroelectric power stations have been built in Ecuador in the last 5 years providing 2.761 megawatts in order to reduce carbon emissions, reduce costs of using oil products for electricity generation, increase energy security and export electricity to nearby countries (Ministry of Electricity and Renewable Energy, 2015). However this extra electricity cannot be used as a substitute of oil products, unless we change our means of transportation to electric vehicles. In this sense, a policy to give economic incentives for acquiring electric vehicles should be created along with a plan to create the necessary infrastructure. Regarding the second source of fossil fuel use (industry), another policy should give incentives for companies to gradually change equipment so they work mainly with electricity. **Bibliography** Ministry of Electricity and Renewable Energy. (2015). Accountability Report 2015. Retrieved April 03, 2016, from Ministry of Electricity and Renewable Energy: http://www.energia.gob.ec/wp-content/uploads/downloads/2016/03/Presentacio%CC%81n_Rendicio%CC%81n-de-Cuentas-2015.pdf [1]: https://edxuploads.s3.amazonaws.com/14597234506395229.jpg