Uploaded on 2016-03-28 by TereDiazRomo
The dominant fossil fuel production is OIL. 150 Mtoe, 67.3 Mtoe of oil were exported, 74.9 Mtoe were to refineries, and 51.0 were used for transport. Another fossil fuel with important production is the gas. With 61.9 Mtoe in 2013, the major part went to the power stations, industry and own use. The final consuption of energy was 118.3 Mtoe in 2013. ![][1] ![][2] I think one of the problems of energy production in my country are the accidents that occur in the oil rig, with the oil spill, that contaminated our seas, beaches, and oceans, killing a lot of species like wales, dolphins, fishes, etc. Another problem is the gasoline production that produces a lot of smoke and gases that pollute the air. To reduce this I would create programs to preserve the species, and to dicrease the oil accidents with safety rules, the gasoline production industry needs to commit to plant trees to at leass try to dicrease the contamination problem. [1]: https://edxuploads.s3.amazonaws.com/14591922237803988.png [2]: https://edxuploads.s3.amazonaws.com/1459192243263042.png