Mexico energy production and consumption
FC-02x Livable Future Cities ( 2nd Run) - Compulsory Exercise 3
Uploaded on 2016-03-21 by Arpelaez
![][1] Source: IAE In the diagram we can observed that the main dominant fossil fuels in Mexico for 2013 are Oil and gas . The dominant fossil fuels are used in Mexico for Transport (with 51.1 Mtoe in the first position), the fossil fuel used is Oil for transportation, and industry (34.7 Mtoe in second position), the mix of industry is more diverse than the transportation category (please see the next picture). ![][2] Source: IAE The energy consumption of any Country have a strong relationship with the GHG emissions. To have a more clear vision of the necessities is important understand the connection of energy consumption and GHG emission. In the next picture, we can see the participation of the different sector in GHG emission in Mexico for 2013 (first Biannual Update Report to UNFCCC, ![][3] Sorce: INECC The analysis of the two Sankey diagrams we can see the direct relation between energy production, energy consumption and GHG emission. To improve the energy production, consumption and the direct effect of the energy policy in Mexico we could think about the next step: - Gas.- the most important fossil fuel in the electricity mix in Mexico is the Gas. The gas industry in Mexico need some advances in terms of production efficiency. In this item, we could improve the gas power plant, for example promoting Combined Cycle of gas technology with recovery of residual heat of production for heating and cooling in Industry and Residential sectors. To modify the electricity mix production the government could promoting the renewable energy for example solar energy (PV). These two actions could reduce the GHG emission. - Oil.- The oil sector is a big challenge in Mexico because it’s the most important sector in the GDP of the Country. For this fossil fuel, we could think about the energy consumption of this fuel. The main important use of oil in Mexico is for the auto-transport sector, the reality of the car fleet in Mexico is that the vehicles are so old and the oil and GHG emission is so high. In the first step the government could develop a new laws of efficiency for vehicles (oil consumption, GHG emissions, etc.) and link this new regulation with the taxes, inspections, permit for transit, etc. And in the second step the reconvention of the transport sector to an electric transport sector. [1]: [2]: [3]: