The importance of well designed energy consumption for reducing CO2 (in Switzerland)
FC-02x Livable Future Cities ( 2nd Run) - Compulsory Exercise 3
Uploaded on 2016-03-16 by eribar
2. The dominant fossil fuels mainly used for transport (5.69 Mtoe) 3. As it could be seen, the second uses for oil are in the category other (n°1 on picture below). This category mainly represents use for houses and it represents ~11% (3.52 Mtoe). The energy for the houses in Switzerland is mainly used for heating, as cooling will increase in the next years. However, alternative technologies (from passive design to renewable low CO2 emission energy) exist. It is thus just a matter of regulation adaptation to diminish CO2 emission (of ~11%). In comparison use of oil for transport could make a gain of ~18% (n°3 on picture below) on CO2, however the alternative solutions are not ready yet. Adapting building regulation to inforce the use of alternative technology for thermal comfort will allow, today, making a high gain on diminishing CO2 emission. ![Sankey diagram CH][1] Sankey diagram CH [1]: