FC-02x Livable Future Cities ( 2nd Run) - Compulsory Exercise 3
Uploaded on 2016-04-13 by frankmaguina
In Peru, the dominant fossil fuels are Oil products. these are the the fossil fuels dominant with 8.84 Mtoe. ![Sankey diagram Peru][1] 2 . Where are the dominant fossil fuels mainly used for in your country? The fossil fuels are mainly used in in transportation. According to the chart, fossil fuels are used in roads. But I supposed that means "mobile transport". 3 . It is your task to create a new policy in order to improve the environmental friendly and sustainable sources and consumption of energy of your country. How would you do that? Think of how you can improve the sources and the consumption of energy. The energy policy would primarily target the transportation sector, which is the one who consumes more energy than other sectors. To improve transportation I believe that all public transportation should to decrease the demand of Oil. A new era of transportation should be implemented with the consume of biofuels and electric vehicles. Biofuels can be produced from a variety of feedstocks, including lignocellulosic energy crops, multi purpose crops, residues/wastes from agriculture and forestry, industrial wastes and Municipal Solid Waste (MSW). The focus of the policy would be on making the waste of one sector of urban and rural activities part of the input of another sector (in this case transport). Particular emphasis would be put on gasification processes and biotechnological approaches. Electric vehicles - Electric vehicles have the potential to reduce carbon emission, Peru can produce big amounts of electricity that actually is used more for industries. Also the potential of Natural gas to be converted into electricity is a big opportunity to achieve this goal. [1]: