Week 6 - Energy Flows in Colombia
FC-02x Livable Future Cities ( 2nd Run) - Compulsory Exercise 3
Uploaded on 2016-03-20 by Argoscristian
> 1-. What are the dominant fossil fuels used in your country? ![IEA Sankey Diagram_Colombia][1] The dominant fossil fuel used in Colombia is Oil. >2- Where are the dominant fossil fuels mainly used for in your country? The greatest amount of the produced oil is consumed by Transportation >3- It is your task to create a new policy in order to improve the environmental friendly and sustainable sources and consumption of energy of your country. How would you do that? Think of how you can improve the sources and the consumption of energy. - Urban private transportation should be destimulated and instead the use of public urban transport should be encouraged. - Private vehicle ownership and their consumption of oil products such as gasoline and diesel should have tax increases. - The raised capital from these taxes should be invested in improving a public and environmentally friendly urban transportation. ![Bogotá][2] [1]: https://edxuploads.s3.amazonaws.com/14584922812983591.jpg [2]: https://edxuploads.s3.amazonaws.com/14584923481424263.jpg