Uploaded on 2016-05-02 by D-Nealon
![Ireland Fuel Source Balance][1] ![Ireland Fuel source final consumption][2] 1. Oil at 6.92 Mtoe consumed in the economy 2. Natural Gas at 3.78 Mtoe 3. Coal at 2.77 Mtoe At further analysis of the main “offenders” we can extract the primary users of each energy type are as follows: 1. Transport uses 3.44 Mtoe of Oil products 2. Electrical Power production uses 2.09 Mtoe Natural Gas 3. Electrical Power Production uses 1.97 Mtoe Coal 4. Residential 1.01 Mtoe of natural Gas 5. Residential 0.98 Mtoe of Oil 6. Residential 0.47 Mtoe of Coal At a combined total of 4.06 Mtoe Power production is the single biggest consumer of fossil fuel and accounts for the largest supplier of energy to business industry and domestic consumers. It is to this end that i would make the following proposals: 1. Ban all coal production and imports, replacing this with renewable alternatives. 2. Incentivise all electrical energy retailers to establish a micro generation scene where the retailer installs and maintains solar arrays on all suitable domestic dwellings in excess of what the household requires. The retailer would seth a fixed rate over the period of 5-10 years with a profit margin of 10-15% over the initial costs and maintenance of the installation which would be payable bi-monthly ( as the existing utility bill is issued) any excess electricity cow ld the be sold onto industrial consumers and the profit (minus a percentage for the wholesaler) could be handed back to the producer. This would have t0 advantages, the first being the drastic reduction of reliance on the national grid for energy. and 2 the incentive to monitor and reduce your own personal consumption to gain the maximum cost benefit of selling electrify back to the grid. I would also encourage more sustainable sources of household heating such as Air to water systems that run of electricity and are well over 80% efficient when it comes to energy use vs output. ![Domestic generation and consumption][3] 3. A passive house remediation scheme where all houses in Ireland are brought close to, up to or even beyond passive house standards thus reducing the need for heating expenses. 4. A massive investment in wave and Hydro production. With one of the most rugged and Violent coastlines in the world Ireland is screaming out to be the trend setter in wave power generation technology. Wave generators, unlike Wind are a constant source of power and really should be utilised before wind energy is even considered. ![Industrial Power Generation/ Fuel Source and flood management][4] 5. A redeployment of hazel groves along the banks of our rivers. The native trees are fast growing and have to be regularly coppiced to keep them under control. They are an amazing source of fuel and have the added benefit of helping to control flood events by way of soakage and delayed moisture ground transference. 6. With Transportation coming in a close second to power generation as the biggest polluter I should propose that the rail delivery and distribution infrastructure would be expanded and upgraded to connect airports, ports and major Urban centres with regular Night time transports. The Local distribution centres could the use smaller, more efficient delivery vehicles to continue the transfer of goods at a local level. 7. Our current practice of motor taxation does not reflect the actual usage patterns of the consumer. I would scrap motor tax as a set rate and introduce extra excise duty on the fuel at the pump so that the polluter pays system encourages people to seek greener alternatives to private cars when making journey decisions. This would have the added affect of extending the useful lifetime of our road network. I also believe that this problem should be solved through global partnerships e.g., Ireland producing Wave powered energy, the Med, middle east and Africa producing solar energy all interchanging through high voltage inter-connectors and mainly supplying industry, business and other consumers that do not have the ability to produce their own. 8. Bio Composting/Natural gas production. Rather that extracting natural gas from the ground domestic compositors should be deployed to every home. The latest technology know has the capability of extract the methane from the degrading biological leftovers and can be used to power heating systems or cook meals ( all dependent on how much food refuse is disposed of). This could also be up Scaled to cater for farms to provide heat power etc. [1]: https://edxuploads.s3.amazonaws.com/14622254075474389.jpg [2]: https://edxuploads.s3.amazonaws.com/14622254364474361.jpg [3]: https://edxuploads.s3.amazonaws.com/14622252931057285.jpg [4]: https://edxuploads.s3.amazonaws.com/14622253521056228.jpg