Exercise week 6 - Energy flows Denmark
FC-02x Livable Future Cities ( 2nd Run) - Compulsory Exercise 3
Uploaded on 2016-04-28 by blubz
The dominant fossil fuels in Denmark are oil (used for transportation mostly), coal (all used for the power station), and gas (for the industry and ‘other’). ![Sankey Diagram Denmark][1] 3. Denmark has the advantage of being a windy country surrounded by a lot of sea. Also, the country is not densely populated, so it only has to provide in energy for 5,5 million people. Denmark already produces wind energy and I suggest the country to focus on this more. Surrounded by sea and very windy, this seems like a good idea. Just recently I found this Danish design for extracting energy from waves. Within the Danish context, this indeed would be a good solution too. http://wavestarenergy.com/sites/default/files/Recent_Developments_of_Wave_Energy_Utilization_in_Denmark.pdf Furthermore Denmark is a one of the world’s largest pork exporters/producers. Looking at ways to effectively use the manure in creating energy, would be an interesting development. By focussing on these newer types of energy and keeping the Danish cycling and good public transport system as good as it is or try to improve carpooling, I think Denmark could fairly easily improve their sources and energy consumption. [1]: https://edxuploads.s3.amazonaws.com/14618401672663863.png