The Sankey Diagram - creating policy to reduce CO2 emissions
FC-02x Livable Future Cities ( 2nd Run) - Compulsory Exercise 3
Uploaded on 2016-05-02 by Kevinsobsan
- Oil - Electricity - Natural Gas - Biofuel - Coal - Solar/Wind/Tide 2.Where are the dominant fossil fuels mainly used for in your country? - Transportation - Industry - Other - Non-energy use ![][1] 3. The new policy i would implement to reduce the Co2 produced in Mexico would be the investment for the least energy used in the country, "Solar/Wind/Tide". As you know Mexico is an oil country, the problem we have today is that we are running out of it, this means that for the country to get more oils means to dig even deeper in the sea. Instead of investing in the technology we need to extract the oil, i would use it to Make big fields of Wind power, use the desert for big farms os Solar energy and use the currents Mexico has in the seas for the Tide energy. Mexico is a ver rich country because of its biodiversity, I could use it to make to reduce the Co2 produced by the oil. The problem would be the transportation, which at the moment there are more oil consumption vehicles than electric, whit this in mind I would encourage people to buy electric or hybrid cars. [1]: