Mobility in Montevideo Metropolitan area
FC-02x Livable Future Cities ( 2nd Run) - Compulsory Exercise 5
Uploaded on 2016-04-05 by arqpablomartinez
Part of my routine included: Commute to the Catastro Office, Municipal Building or my other work as a CAD Teacher (all located in the Down Town of Montevideo). I share with you a little geographic introduction in images: ![Uruguay in SouthAmerica][1] Source: Uruguay is a little Country, located in the South Eastern of South America between Argentina and Brazil. It has a population of 3millon people. ![Montevideo's location][2] 53% of the Uruguayan population it's concentrated in the Montevideo Metropolitan Area. The Metropolitan Area includes cities like Las Piedras, La Paz, Canelones, Pando and Ciudad de la Costa. Commute to Montevideo's Down Town it's possible from three ways: Car, Bus or Train. Do Not exist cycling ways. The public transportation it's mainly by Bus, in fact, in Ciudad de la Costa it's the only viable public transportation to commute. But the service is not good (it's slow <<23km in 1:30h in rush hour>> and uncomfortable). Most of buses ends his path directly in the DownTown, if you want to go to an other part of the city you should walk (to go to nearest destinations) or take another bus (or taxi if you want). But, walk in Montevideo it's a great experience. So, the combination home + bus + walk to work, it's better than home + bus + bus to work. When you are in the DownTown the better option in my opinion it's walk. If you live in Montevideo, near Downtown it's possible to commute walking or cycling easily. Nowadays, Commute by car it's a "good" option if you have patience. The high cost of the public transportation and the bad service it's the *key* to understand Why the commuters prefer use his cars, spending money in combustible and polluting the enviroment (1 o 2 people by car!!!). The two possible path are: _by Avenida Giannattasio - Avenida Italia - DownTown: Most of buses and cars. Across residential and commercial zones. _by Coast avenue - Down Town: Almost only cars. Across Residential and touristic zone. ![Commute from Ciudad de la Costa][3] ![commute2][4] The first way it's only for work. I'm focused in my professional activities. When I return, the velocity change and my interest are in other issues. It's possible that I stop in a part of the path to see and enjoy the environment. Thinking about alternatives, I think that the better option it's create a better public transportation including trains. I think in Avenida Italia, because the other way it's too busy in fact. Improving the public transportation it's the best way to improve the quality of mobility city and the quality of life of the citizens. I [1]: [2]: [3]: [4]: