FC-02x Livable Future Cities ( 2nd Run) - Compulsory Exercise 2
Uploaded on 2016-04-30 by RobsBastos
**2. Which are the main UHI effects that you can identify in your area?** *City* ![][1] Pedro Leopoldo – Brasil (http://noticias.r7.com/minas-gerais) *Rural Area* ![][2] ![][3] State Park Sumidouro – Pedro Leopoldo – Brasil (https://www.facebook.com/amigosdoparqueestadualdosumidouro/photos/pb.161839327163132.-2207520000.1462030606./1539740286039689/?type=3&theater) Brazil's climate is very pleasant. I am in an area where there is virtually no daily temperature range and during the year the weather is pleasant, typical of the country. The central urban area of my city is surrounded by mountains, very low, due to poor existing vegetation the city center is more arid and the weather is always hot and stuffy. Rural areas have milder climate because of the presence of vegetation and water (lake, although this is dry due to the long period of drought. **3. Which are the measures you would propose?** At the point where we are when it is impossible retrocedor in the ambience of the urban area, I propose to try to keep the natural environment of rural area, especially the area of the State Park Sumidouro, since, due to the proximity to the urban area, it still influences the climate of the city. **4. Is UHI effect concerning policy making in your area?** The only attitude I see on the part of public policy is the requirement of a minimum range of permeability in new buildings. But soon after the inspection of the city, the owners always pave the areas that should be permeable. [1]: https://edxuploads.s3.amazonaws.com/1462055228375226.jpeg [2]: https://edxuploads.s3.amazonaws.com/14620552892591829.jpg [3]: https://edxuploads.s3.amazonaws.com/14620553456033905.jpg