Uploaded on 2016-03-06 by Victor_Pescador
-Folowing the investigation lead by Romero L. et all, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, has a very stable climate, allthough, the heat island fenomenon it occurs, in the center of the city, with an average increase of 5 ºC, during the night time, and all this data point out to the importance of the wind, the urban structure, the garden areas and the trafic density. ![][1] This image coreesponds to one of the areas in the city that keeps the average temperature with out significal changes, that means that the heat island fenomeno it doas not occur. ![][2] This second image corresponds to one of the areas were the UHI has more effcect, due to the urban morfology, the lack of trees or gardens in the street, and the reflection of the surronding buildings **Q.3-** In order to reduce de heat gain in inside the buildings, we usually try to use clear colors, tending to white to reflect the mayor part of the radiation, but at the same time, we are increasing the urban reflection, that can produce the UHI effect. In order to mitigade this effect, we shoud increase the use of vegetation in the street design. Other thing we can do is to design buildings so that the facades are constructed in a certan angle, in order to reflect the most part of the radiation, back to the atmosphere. We can also use materials with a lower thermal inertia, so that during the night period will release less heat. **Q.4-** I am afraid there is no policies in my comunity in order to reduce de UHI effect, cause due to weather conditions and climate area, the temperatures remains almost the same in all periods of time (21/28 ºC). [1]: https://edxuploads.s3.amazonaws.com/14572872495784578.jpg/ [2]: https://edxuploads.s3.amazonaws.com/14572874117024165.jpg