Uploaded on 2016-04-19 by Taolo
1. Check the temperature differences in US cities Unbelievable how big are the differences!!! It reaches 20 degrees in New York and 27 at Los Angeles higher than the rural areas. Interest the difference of Miami and Tampa. Belonging both to the same climate zone and have temp 17 and 12 days up to the surrounding area. 2. Which are the main UHI effects that you can identify in your area? In my area the difference between the city and the surround area are too big in time of non-rain days. But also the surrounding area it’s not the same type. From one part (east) the city is surrounded by the mountain and the areas near there are more cold then other areas. In to the west part run the main road to enter in the city and it pas thru the industrial zone, the reason it has always a hotter temperature. From the north and the south, the habitable areas have less density of house and less urbanization. So in these areas the canopy layer has cooler temperatures. But a thing passing thru my mind is the micro climate and liaisons with street canyons. Now is springtime and the trees fill the crown with leaf. Passing thru the same road every day I have noticed three or four tree in to the two part of the road haven leaf in the meantime the others had plain the crown. This thing happens in a point where a twelfth story building is near the street. From so can I conclude for existing air corridor in other direction than the road axe? ![Corridor][1] 3. Which are the measures you would propose? The measures I propose are the limiting of strict necessary the asphalt paving surfaces, and changing the others using reflective footpaths and road bikes. The same thing is to made with the roofs and walls example of white houses of Santorini GR. Also a necessary measure remain all the time increase protection of trees in most urbanized areas. Also for the micro climate having more access in the places and big open areas with more fountain, and water basins. 4. Is UHI effect concerning policy making in your area? For the moment the in my community aren’t plans for reducing the UHI effect. The big issue of the municipality for the moment is growing the green surfaces and planning implementation of green roof in existing and new building. But all this is made in the cleaning air prism and not reducing UHI effect. But in the society is a growing conscience in the micro climate problems following el Niño effect of past December. The smog effect was too big because the missing of the rain in a full month. Many thanks for Your attention! [1]: https://edxuploads.s3.amazonaws.com/1461047685849425.jpg