UHI Effects - Perspectives of a Karachi Resident
FC-02x Livable Future Cities ( 2nd Run) - Compulsory Exercise 2
Uploaded on 2016-04-30 by OmairSoomro
It is interesting to observe the crucial trends in temperature differences amongst US cities as presented in the Climate Central website. One can observe the materialization of the growing temperatures and the darker future unless we efficiently address these issues. **2. Which are the main UHI effects that you can identify in your area?** The major UHI effects as a result of anthropogenic change are that firstly, the summers are uncomfortably and even fatally hot. Last year Karachi observed it's deadliest and lengthiest heatwave (of 5 to 6 days) where approximately 950 people died. The temperature was 45 degrees (not its highest) and it felt much more than that. Importantly, other areas in this province of Sind had observed higher temperatures, but it did not develop into a fatal tragedy as such because there was room for hot air's circulation and dissipation. Secondly, this is followed by the implications of increased dependency on electricity and fuel (that too in the face of a massive demand of a massive population of 20 million individuals). Herebym a stark comparison can be offered as a contrast between the busy, stressful and heavily polluted city centre followed by the relatively serene outskirts. The following two pictures demonstrate, in order, the busy night and the serene area near the Frere Hall Museum next to which I live. ![][1] ![][2] [1]: https://edxuploads.s3.amazonaws.com/14620267477110885.jpg [2]: https://edxuploads.s3.amazonaws.com/1462026808704579.jpg **3. Which are the measures you would propose?** Given the undesirable consequences and since the night is not long enough for all the heat to dissipate, it becomes essential to revisit urban designs and analyse the materials used. Learning from existing green building strategies and reviving local architectural traditions (easy to implement owing to locals existing awareness and is beneficial) is one major method. Secondly, installing streams of water through the city. Though the existing natural drainage channels now transport sewage, the can be revived and the water can be treated. Thirdly, encouraging public transport as the major transportation is by private vehicles. This problem will be need to be addressed, however, socially and politically as well, as their is a perception of lower classes using buses and also buses are not so safe and well-planned. Finally, the low-cost method of installing green roofs will work well. This involves covering roofs with shrubs and plants that help in reducing the amount of energy required in keeping a building cool in summers and warm in winters. **4. Is UHI effect concerning policy making in your area?** Insufficient effort and interest has been relegated on the UHI effect on not only a governmental level, but also on a societal level. However, to be fair, the consequent deaths of the heat wave have provoked the government to turn to artificial rain, the so-called seeding rain. Clouding seed technology have been employed in the past, especially since there are no serious health or environmental hazards associated alongside.