Mobility and livability in Amsterdam
FC-02x Livable Future Cities (1st Run) - Compulsory Exercise 5
Uploaded on 2015-12-15 by Natasja_B
To give an example of my mobility, today I had an appointment with a friend in a coffee bar in the city centre of Amsterdam. By bike it is a 10 minutes ride . I always go by bike: I prefer to be outside, it is good for my health and you can see more of the surroundings. But as you can see in the diagram below, it is also much faster than the public transport! ![enter image description here][1] If I would have walked to the coffeebar, I would have chosen exactly the same route. I chose for the bike because it is faster. (I think that it would have been a 25 minutes walk). I always choose a route with my bike where there is relatively less motorised traffic, or there is a separate road for the bikes (in Amsterdam you have a lot of them). If I have to choose between a route with nice buildings (culture) or a route with non-attractive buildings I choose the attractive route, even if it costs more time. [1]: