Ecosystem services in Wahroonga, Australia
FC-02x Livable Future Cities (1st Run) - Compulsory Exercise 4
Uploaded on 2015-12-13 by CristinaCrisca
I am fortunate to be living in a house with a garden and patio where I am able to grow herbs and vegetables. Admittedly I have only recently started with some of the vegetables, but as the photos show the chili plant and the cucumber plants have done quite well and I am looking forward to the first harvest! ![cucumber and yellow pepper][1] ![chili and rosemary][2] 2) Regulating services My house was built on bushland and it’s surrounded by trees and nature. Most of the trees are native and many are more than 100 years old. They help control water flow and soil erosion and contribute to the clean fresh air quality we can enjoy. ![Trees in my backyard][3] 3) Habitat or Supporting services The abundance of trees and flowers in the area provides habitat for many species of insects, birds and marsupials, including native animals such as kookaburras and possums. ![Kookaburra][4] 4) Cultural services The area where I live has many parks, playing fields and areas for bushwalking, which provide plenty of opportunities for physical activities. Looking at nature – powerful trees and beautiful wildlife – is great for spiritual and mental health. Just sitting on the balcony looking out into the bushland is very calming and relaxing and generally quiet. ![enter image description here][5] [1]: [2]: [3]: [4]: [5]: