Ecosystem services in Lisbon, Portugal
FC-02x Livable Future Cities (1st Run) - Compulsory Exercise 4
Uploaded on 2015-11-14 by JDFernandes
a. Provisioning services Local ecosystem services are a major supplier of food, water, and other primary materials for the Lisbon metropolitan area. For example, most of the the water supply in the metropolitan area is assured by the "Castelo do Bode" dam, located at approximately 100 km from the urban centre. !["Castelo do Bode" dam][1] Source: b. Regulating services Ecosystem services, such as thermal and air quality regulation, CO2 sequestration, and sound barrier effect are essential for minimizing negative impacts such as urban heat island effect, air pollution, and sound pollution. ![Marques do Pombal park and square][2] Source: c. Habitat or Supporting services Amongst other relevant parks and protected areas that contribute toward habitat or supporting ecosystem services, the Tagus Estuary Natural Reserve is located just across the Tagus river from Lisbon and protects one of Europe's largest wetland habitats and Portugal's largest wildfile sanctuary. ![Pink flamingoes across the Tagus][3] Source: d. Cultural services Several cultural activities in and around Lisbon's metropolitan area are deeply associated with ecosystem cultural services, such as the rich architectonical and museological history of the city's water supply infrastructure: !["Aguas Livres" Aqueduct, entering western Lisbon][4] Source: Another good example of a cultural ecosystem service provided to the city of Lisbon is the city's yearly traditional festivities, which include massive consumption of charcoal-grilled sardines: ![Sardine consumption at Lisbon's yearly traditional festivities][5] Source: [1]: [2]: [3]: [4]: [5]: