Compulsory Exercise 4: Santiago’s Ecosystems
FC-02x Livable Future Cities (1st Run) - Compulsory Exercise 4
Uploaded on 2015-12-10 by pablojuica
Santiago was founded not thinking in an further economic development but as strategic place to defend the spanish invaders from indigenous people. In this sense, until recent years its ecosystems were never properly included into the planning of the city, and even if nowadays there are plans to increase the green areas of the city and to protect the Andes from urban sprawl, Santiago can be characterized as a city which tends to destroy its ecosystem instead of protect them. However I believe there are potential ecosystems that could be included in the planification of the city: a) Provisioning Services: There are many sources of fresh water in the brooks of the Andes mountains. Some of them give birth to the main rivers that cross the city (Mapocho and Maipo). b) Regulating Services: Santiago is a city with a natural slope which increase its disaster risk, especially when heavy raining or extreme hot climate occurs (since the ice in the Andes can be defrozed too quickly). In this sense, the forest area between the city and the Andes should be protected from urban sprawl, and even a reforestation plan should be created. This will allow to decrease the risk potential and to clean the air of the city. c) Habitat or Supporting Services: Santiago posses many island hills inside its urban structure. These hills are a perfect habitat for species that found a protected environment to live, away from the risks of the city. d) Cultural Services: Again the island hills are both a protected environment and a cultural services providers. Some of them include astronomy equipment (Cerro Calán), public pools (Cerro San Cristobal), open amphitheatre (Cerro San Cristóbal), among others. ![Rivers, Island Hills and Protected Areas of Santiago][1] [1]: