Uploaded on 2015-11-04 by luisproano1
1. Ecuador is an oil-dependent country. 26.48 millions of tonnes of oil equivalent are produced with a 5.46 Mtoe of oil product imports, equivalent to 80% of the total oil sources. Ecuador exports 18.52 Mtoe, and is an oil-dependent-economy. Gas, biowaste energy, hidroelectrical energy are not significant in the fossil fuel production. 2. The oil product is mostly consumed by the transport sector in roughly 50% followed by the industry sector in almost 10%. 3. As most of the fossil fuels are consumed by the transport sector, especially by the automobile, I would promote the use of non-motorized transportation joined with public transport. First of all, I would promote the densification of the city by rehabilitating areas of mix uses near the inner city so that the city can lodge the future housing needs. Moreover, I would promote policies to disincentive the automobile dependence such as making attractive urban environment design, and other measures oriented to transport demand. Moreover I would promote the use of hydro-electrical, solar and wind power to promote electrical vehicles. [1]: https://edxuploads.s3.amazonaws.com/14466045172575595.png