Compulsory Question: Ecosystem Services
FC-02x Livable Future Cities (1st Run) - Compulsory Exercise 4
Uploaded on 2015-11-17 by mishrasujeet
![The ecosystem services][1] **Examples:** 1. Provisioning Services: Food from agriculture, fish from rivers ![cultivation][2] Agriculture (preparing for soybean crop) ![enter image description here][3] Tulsi plant is known for its medicinal value and is also considered sacred 2. Regulating: Root system of the trees hold the soil fast and prevent erosion, regulate temperature by evapotranspiration, filter particulate pollution ![trees][4] 3. Habitat/Supporting: Several species find home in an ecosystem including us. Specialised niches in an ecosystem support diverse gene pool, which is essential for survival. ![enter image description here][5] A bird under a car at IG International airport at New Delhi ![enter image description here][6] Birds on my terrace in Lucknow, UP, India ![enter image description here][7] A monkey baby frolicking on distribution line in Lucknow, UP, India 4. Cultural: Natural formations give spiritual inspiration, sense of belongingness, provide means of relaxing and support tourism. ![enter image description here][8] Bhutan [1]: [2]: [3]: [4]: [5]: [6]: [7]: [8]: