Ecosystems services in El Salvador
FC-02x Livable Future Cities (1st Run) - Compulsory Exercise 4
Uploaded on 2015-12-14 by AnaVidal
It is also important to clarify that ecosystems services is a term that has yet to be accepted by the government Make clear in your answer where you can find the ecosystem service and what the ecosystem offers to your living area. To support your answers you are asked to provide one or more images for every example that describe the respective services. a. Provisioning services: food. One of the most important foods in the country is corn. Thus, it is one of the basic crops and widely cultivated at various scales. ![Corn field in Ahuachapán, western part of El Salvador][1] b. Regulating services Though not recognized as such, open spaces such as abandoned railroad tracks in a densely popultae area, such as the Metropolitan Area of San Salvador, they function as spaces for climate regulation. ![Railroad tracks in Apopa, Metropolitan Area of San Salvador][2] c. Habitat or Supporting services Also in the rural areas nearby the Metropolitan area, you can notice that regulation and control of waste disposal is still a problem, but the amount of organic material that decomposes and gets transformed into soil may, in the future, provide a foundation for farming. Take notice that the area pictured is currently inhabited and people use the open land to grow corn crops. ![Street in Huizucar][3] d. Cultural services El Salvador is known for its beaches, which provide a space for all kinds of entertainment and sports, such as surfing. ![Sea turtle liberation at San Diego, La Libertad][4] [1]: [2]: [3]: [4]: