Uploaded on 2015-12-14 by FMGomes
Analyzing The www.iea.org Sankey Diagram the dominant fossil fuel in Portugal is Oil ![enter image description here][1] [1]: https://edxuploads.s3.amazonaws.com/14501312929600934.png **2. Where are the dominant fossil fuels mainly used for in your country?** The majority of the fossil fuels are used for transportation. **3. It is your task to create a new policy in order to improve the environmental friendly and sustainable sources and consumption of energy of your country. How would you do that? Think of how you can improve the sources and the consumption of energy.** All the fossil fuels in Portugal are imported and local production are hydro, solar, wind, bio/waste and geothermal and morst of it is transformed in electricity. - Total Energy 16,22 - Oil Products 8,11 - Electricity 3,89 - Biofuels and Waste 2,21 - Others 2,01 All of the energies production have their one environmental issues, whether it be changes to local ecosystems , visual polution, air polution, etc., but generally the air polution, produced primarily by energy from fossil fuels, it the most negative in our health. In terms of sustainability in Portugal most of the transformed energy production in electricity come from sustainable sources We these conclusions we can say that Portugal should adopt more sources of electrical energy, such a hydro, solar, wind or some new kind of energy that could emerge. To replace the fuel oils its necesary a huge investment in infrastuctures to the other energies and change the depence of transportation in fossil fuels. Changing public transportation to electric vehicles or even gas, put cuotas in energy consumption from households, ie, legislate so that the housing reduce consumption through the construction methods or producing the own energy, improve the industry with more efficient machines, take steps to change to public consciousness in terms of transport and provide more sustainable transport solutions.