Uploaded on 2015-11-25 by Marham
Water. The picture shows one of the fresh water sources close to Oslo. The sign on the tree informs the public of the importance of the lake, and of certain restrictions that applies to the area. ![enter image description here][1] Photo: Heiko Junga /SCANPIX b. Regulating services Pollinating. The bees are important in pollinating plants everywhere, but they are not always a welcome guest, escpecially in urban areas. In Oslo they have now received several urban homes, with beehives placed on green roofs across the city. ![enter image description here][2] Photo: Morten Brakestad c. Habitat or supporting services The forest that surrounds the city provides habitat for many species of plants an animals. ![enter image description here][3] Photo: Odd Tore Saugerud d. Cultural services Parks in the city give the citizens a place to relax or to perform sports, and are also a great area for tourism. ![enter image description here][4] Photo: Bent Tranberg [1]: http://gfx.dagbladet.no/pub/artikkel/5/51/515/515389/sx39e7cfX2X_1192691785_1192691801.jpg [2]: http://natgeonorge.s3.amazonaws.com/2015/06/vulkanb1.jpg [3]: http://www.skiforeningen.no/img/publish/17013.jpg [4]: https://c1.staticflickr.com/9/8244/8541675922_b1048ae8bb_b.jpg