Quito's Panecillo and Pichincha providing with many ecosystem services
FC-02x Livable Future Cities (1st Run) - Compulsory Exercise 4
Uploaded on 2015-11-12 by MartinCalistoFriant
The first picture shows the largest mountain near Quito. It provides a large source of water for the city as it has various rivers, it also provides food as people cultivate it's slopes, though most of it is a protected area. Those are the main provisioning services it serves. However it also does a lot of other services. Culturally: It is an important symbol and has manny visitors climbing it's slopes every day. Moreover it is considered a deity in Andean cosmovision so people treat it with respect and appreciation. The Pichincha provides habitat or supporting services for a variety of species including rabbits, andean bears and a large diversity of birds and plants. Finally it provides invaluable regulating services as it protects from floods due to the fact that it's slopes are covered in vegetation. It also improves air quality, absorbs CO2, and freshens the temperature. ![Ruco Pichincha,][1] b) The panecillo providing cultural and regulating services. The panecillo (beadloaf) is a mount located near the centre of quito. It is referred to as such because it resembles a bread loaf. It provides with cultural services as it is one of the most important tourist attractions in the city. People climb it to find a beautiful view of the city, a large statue of virgin mary and a museum. The second most important function of the panecillo is providing regulating services as it's green slopes improve air quality, absorb CO2, and freshen the temperature. ![The panecillo][2] [1]: https://edxuploads.s3.amazonaws.com/14472901176039547.jpg [2]: https://edxuploads.s3.amazonaws.com/14472906968921802.jpg