WEEK 6 -The Sankey Diagram - creating policy to reduce CO2 emissions in Spain.
FC-02x Livable Future Cities (1st Run) - Compulsory Exercise 3
Uploaded on 2015-11-17 by IratiGomez
**Q1** _Oil : 63,5 Mtoe Export 2,5 _Natural gas: 30,6 Mtoe Export 2,4 _Oil products: 16,2 Mtoe _Coal: 15,5 Mtoe Export 1,4 ![Sankey Diagram-spain][1] Reference: **http://www.iea.org/sankey/#?c=Spain&s=Balance** **Q2** They are mainly used for transport and industry. **Q3** _I would encourage to build self-sufficient buildings. The Spanish law nowadays forbid own generation and consumption of energy. I would abolish this laws in order to promote self-sufficient buildings. In this way not only houses but also industries could produce locally whole or part of the energy they need. _I would invest more governmental budget in ecofriendly ways of producing clear energy as the one that comes from wind and sun. I believe Spain is one of the European countries that most sunny hours has during the year, so I would encourage to build solar parks to produce energy. [1]: https://edxuploads.s3.amazonaws.com/14477508723478736.jpg