Uploaded on 2015-12-15 by Xenia_arch
1. Provisioning servises. Even without a word, it`s clear that the river gives bio material, or better to say, provides with the food - any diversity of the river waters. http://kuz-fish.ru/upload/forum/b826df66bc5cf90edb11304d9da47f43.jpg Otherwise, the river is a transportation artery, which gives a way to deliver goods or export ones from the city production. http://www.nsktv.ru/upload/resize_cache/iblock/275/630_420_1/275044b38a4abe14c709a8ba4b34827f.jpg http://sl-logistic.ru/images/60364840_port1.jpg The river is also a source of water supply and it also accepts recycled or technical water back after the city usage circle, the river cleans these streams and provide the water to the city again (of course, reused and natural water are not obvious in the river tank). 2. Regulating services. First of all, waste water treatment as mentioned above. Secondly, regilations of water usage and pollution control. The main water bay is kept outside the city, which is used for dam and hydro energy production, but also it is used to keep the local flora and fauna more or less untouched and less influenced by a human. The level of water quantity and it`s quality is quite essential for preserving local natural world and diversity. Relict trees are spread around the river, next to it`s banks. Keeping the eye on the river condition means taking care about it`s habitants, while the last contribute a lot in the the nature live circle. The river Ob plays also an important role in cooling down the air during the hot and dry summers as well as it keeps some warmth for the cold season and gives milder climate effect then it can be found in attached areas. http://ecodelo.org/sites/default/files/ev20606_Russia.A2002208.0750.721.1km.jpg 3. Habitat or Supporting services "Habitats provide everything that an individual plant or animal needs to survive: food; water; and shelter. Each ecosystem provides different habitats that can be essential for a species’ lifecycle. Migratory species including birds, fish, mammals and insects all depend upon different ecosystems during their movements." the local area is famous for birds migration, which happens twice per year and lasts for some months in total. The river becomes a place regulating this migration and the temporate birds location and a feeder. http://cdn12.img22.ria.ru/images/93682/74/936827468.jpg 4. Cultural services he river surves as an advantage and recreation place for citizens. However, not only the location or view is essential here, but the connection of two big districts which are developed as seperated due to the river division, but at the same time providing various cultural possibilities and diversity of actions and involvment. http://wiki.darlingcity.ru/images/2/2c/%D0%A0%D0%B5%D0%BA%D0%B0_%D0%9E%D0%B1%D1%8C_%D0%B2_%D0%9D%D0%BE%D0%B2%D0%BE%D1%81%D0%B8%D0%B1%D0%B8%D1%80%D1%81%D0%BA%D0%B5.jpg Ob is famous for great amount of beach facilities http://i.planengo.ru/up_img/big_004_215.jpg https://www.google.ru/imgres?imgurl=http://cs624516.vk.me/v624516019/1970c/HKUfe_TP020.jpg&imgrefurl=http://vk.com/wall-53873277_2715&h=240&w=320&tbnid=RFLlr4-MkLa_xM:&docid=JiG_99nBW1QaQM&ei=iIFwVtOTB-H4ygPMwqOIAw&tbm=isch&ved=0ahUKEwjT9_yj497JAhVhvHIKHUzhCDE4ZBAzCAUoAjAC sailing sports and leisure https://www.google.ru/imgres?imgurl=http://www.balatsky.de/Akadem/akademgorodok.files/image001.jpg&imgrefurl=http://forum.kuzmama.ru/viewtopic.php?t%3D1095&h=450&w=600&tbnid=4xCCl0-qRDprFM:&docid=ICpxAql6oRRYRM&ei=oYFwVpmNDoTZywOjjrKQCQ&tbm=isch&ved=0ahUKEwjZ4fmv497JAhWE7HIKHSOHDJI4yAEQMwgQKA0wDQ and pedestrian ways along the river side within the city core https://www.google.ru/imgres?imgurl=http://ic.pics.livejournal.com/el_magico/17218424/2009290/2009290_original.jpg&imgrefurl=http://ru-travel.livejournal.com/27553234.html&h=600&w=900&tbnid=WPK-MTKgnRlIeM:&docid=gW0ByRUNUcHFaM&ei=YoFwVtDgNMn6ygOmjaGIBA&tbm=isch&ved=0ahUKEwjQmZuS497JAhVJvXIKHaZGCEEQMwgmKAswCw It is also known that river coast is used by sportsmen or yoga practitians http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-KlhgVATEMnw/Uyry9wl6paI/AAAAAAAAZgA/Y3PnSk_A54A/s1600/DSC_2571-(c).jpg , though outside the city, closer to local traditional villages spiritual practices can be noticed. [1]: https://edxuploads.s3.amazonaws.com/14502124721876212.jpg