Ecosystem Service in Nashville Metropolitian Area
FC-02x Livable Future Cities (1st Run) - Compulsory Exercise 4
Uploaded on 2015-11-14 by DCWan
![enter image description here][1] From: • Regulating services : The area of Nashville have a lot of greenways and trails that are kept fairly well-preserved. Although some of the greenways have paved sidewalk, you can see an occasional deer or turkey running around in the woods. One of my colleagues at work tells me that a beaver ran beside him while riding his bicycle. ![enter image description here][2] From: • Habitat/Supporting services : While you can find habitat running around wild in the greenways, one of the best places to see undisturbed woods and wildlife is to go to a number of Tennessee state parks. Tennessee is responsible for maintaining park services and making sure that no hikers disrupt the ecosystem to the best of their ability. ![enter image description here][3] From: • Culture services : The Frist Center for the Arts is one of the most prominent places to see art pieces that are on rotation by other museums across the United States. In addition, it is a place to host up-and-coming artists. Education and outreach activities are also organized by the Frist Center. ![enter image description here][4] From: [1]: [2]: [3]: [4]: