Sankey and Canada - Reducing CO2 in an oil based economy
FC-02x Livable Future Cities (1st Run) - Compulsory Exercise 3
Uploaded on 2015-11-01 by Cass_M
1.Dominant fossil fuels – oil, natural gas 2.Mostly used – for export. In country it seems pretty evenly distributed between transportation (oil) and industry (oil, natural gas, electricity). 3.Policy to reduce CO2 emissions in country - Reduce transportation emissions by a. Using pipelines rather than land transportation up to borders as much as possible b. Using biodiesel blends for transportation fuels c. Optimizing rail use with longer trains; increase rail use. d. Well maintained direct truck routes with minimal elevation changes and urban circle routes e. Extend public transportation and make sure it’s using non-polluting fuel f. Encourage electric vehicles by requiring charging. g. Build neighbourhoods around services to reduce personal vehicle use. - Reduce reliance on energy that creates CO2 a. All industries to implement insulation/heat sinks in next 10 years with plan to reduce “top up” needs to 75% of current levels – use tax incentives to boost energy savings b. Phase out coal as an electricity source in Alberta (province using 90% of it) – increase wind and solar energy c. Build nuclear plants near uranium mines (maximize electrical production, minimize transportation of radioactive materials) - Maximize carbon capture with non-energy uses of oil ![old and new energy][1] [1]: