Uploaded on 2015-11-23 by Kaysnh
1 .What ecosystem services do you have in and around your living area? Give at least one example for each of the four types of ecosystem services. a. Provisioning services Food : The primary crops grown in Guyana are rice and sugar cane. We also produce secondary crops such as green and leafy vegetables, fruits such as watermelon, pineapple, bananas,mangoes, papyas, to name a few, also ground provisions such as eddoes, potatoes and dasheens. Raw Materials: The two most predominant raw materials produced in Guyana are bauxite and timber. Guyana being a heavily forested country produces many species of timber. Linden also know as our mining town produces bauxite. ![fruit truck in Georgetown][1] ![Linden Baxuite plant][2] B. Regulating Services Local climate and air quality: Guyana is a highly forested country, with dense forested areas in the rural areas. Our capital Georgetown also has its share of many trees along road ways and in private residences. sometimes trees are used to gain privacy in homes by being planted where windows are or being planted around property fences.Rainfall in the rural and urban areas are predominantly in May to June.. also November to December. Despite trees along road ways the climate in the urban areas are still hot compared to the rural areas. In addition air quality in the rural areas are cleaner and lighter compared to the somewhat polluted air quality in the urban areas. ![Rain forest in Guyana][3] c. Habitat or Supporting service Habitats for species: As previously mentioned , Guyana has a dense rainforest in our rural areas which provides homes to many species of mammals, birds, reptiles and amphibians. Many times the natives of these rural areas or even people from the main towns would catch these animals and keep them as pets. ![Biologist observing an 18ft anaconda][4] ![Green Macawas ][5] d. Cultural services Recreation and mental and physical health : Many recreational activities are done in our National Park located in our capital city of Georgetown. On a daily basis many persons can be seen jogging, playing football , cricket , fishing our relaxing on the grass with their families. There is also a separate play area for children. On holidays such as Easter the National Park is filled with families picnicking , playing games and most importantly flying kites to celebrate the day. The National Park is also used for Track events and National Cycling events. ![National Park][6] ![Cycle Race in National Park][7] [1]: http://guyaneseonline.files.wordpress.com/2014/08/fruit-cart-in-georgetown.jpg [2]: http://www.kaieteurnewsonline.com/images/2013/02/Linden-1.jpg [3]: http://c1.staticflickr.com/9/8390/8534579672_e26173666e_b.jpg [4]: http://onlinefoktai.files.wordpress.com/2011/09/ac2.jpg [5]: http://www.lovethesepics.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/10/Red-and-Green-Macaws-DO-grow-on-trees-in-the-Amazon.jpg [6]: http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3519/4029326454_52108a0714.jpg [7]: http://guyanachronicle.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/02/rr-feature.gif