ecosystem services in Manhattan NY
FC-02x Livable Future Cities (1st Run) - Compulsory Exercise 4
Uploaded on 2015-12-15 by jibranhk
The department of environmental conservation of New York is designed to "combine in a single agency all state programs designed to protect and enhance the environment." Here is the [location of the local office][1]. This includes looking after water quality, forest growth, and the flow of ocean/fresh water. This photo from the NY botanical garden shows forests in NY protected by the commission. ![enter image description here][2] **b. Regulating services** The [NY public service commission][3] regulates the electric, gas, water, and telecommunication industries in New York. ![enter image description here][4] (photo from the commission website) **c. Habitat or Supporting services** The [DEC also runs watershed management][5]. This includes monitoring, assessing, permitting, and enforcing ll the areas of land running into water. Since Manhattan is surrounded by rivers and water ways, this is an important commission and directly affects citizen life. This image shows the watersheds around manhattan. ![enter image description here][6] (photo by Julius Schorzman) **d. Cultural services** The [Korean culture service][7] is a government institution in NY and is based in manhattan. It provides cultural and artistic events, activities, and exhibits to the public. This screenshot from their website is from one of the Korean dace exhibits in Manhattan. ![enter image description here][8] [1]: [2]: [3]: [4]: [5]: [6]: [7]: [8]: