Uploaded on 2015-12-06 by kayumovaanna
My country's well-being is currently strictly linked to the export of fossil fuels. We produce much gas and oil. They can be ranked in this way: 1. Gas (563.1 mtoe) 2. Oil (524.2 mtoe) 3. Coal production (184.3 mtoe) We export a lot, of course, but we also consume a lot; the structure of energy is yet to be developed. The main reason for that is companies in our country just take resources from the ground. And, for example, Senegal, uses bio waste as a means of energetic sources. The main energy demander in our country is not specified (i.e. "other"). The second place is taken by "Industry" with 123.6 mtoe. Industry consumes triple as individuals. Our country is in its industrial age and as long as there are plentiful resources we will have no insentives to develop technologically. ![enter image description here][2] In my view, we have to focus on two areas: 1. Renewable energy (+ waste problem) 2. Minimizing energy plants losses Renewable energy is not popular in our country at all, unfortunately. Even cosidering the economic potential enterpreneurs are not eager to construct plants in the sphere. Currently the used method is burning and putting waste into the soil. Both ways are extremely poor in ecological sense. I insist on turn-around in this industry towards renewable schemes, because we have to care about our world more. By the second point I mean promoting this kind of research in scientific institutions in Russia. [1]: https://edxuploads.s3.amazonaws.com/14494086306107595.png [2]: https://edxuploads.s3.amazonaws.com/14494092523012903.png