Week-6- compulsory exercise answers- as below by M.Kabaleeswaran
FC-02x Livable Future Cities (1st Run) - Compulsory Exercise 3
Uploaded on 2015-10-30 by KABALEESWARAN
The top dominant fossil fuels are Oil& Oil products, coal Oil is the maximum used fossil fuel of 6251 Mtoe out of this close 2248 Mtoe is imported, in addition to this Oil products are also imported ;similarly 4028 Mtoe is used out of this close to 590 Mtoe coal is imported . 2. Where are the dominant fossil fuels mainly used for in your country? (E.g. transport, industry, non-energy use etc.) Industry, Transport uses the majority of fuels. (all below are in Mtoe) As per Sankey diagram usages are as below Industry uses Oil product 298; Oil 11; coal 649; Natual gas 418; Biofuels & waste 176; electricity 580; Heat 108; Transport uses Oil products 2166; Oil 0; coal 3; natual gas 77; Biofuels & waste 51; Electricity 22 NON ENERGY uses Oil products 556; Oil 9; Coal 37; Natural gas 150; Observation: Oil is mainly consumed by the transport sector 3. It is your task to create a new policy in order to improve the environmental friendly and sustainable sources and consumption of energy of your country. How would you do that? Think of how you can improve the sources and the consumption of energy. If I am assigned this task, From the observations from Sankey diagram, it is very clear that coal and oil are the main fossil fuels and to substitute the same will be the immediate measure to create sustainability as well as to conserve energy usage . This can be done by doing the following • The fuel used by transport sector: The battery vehicles can be operated for all city traffic. Industries which use Buses for employee transport have the capacity to invest on the same whereby a sizable fuel will be saved. A scheme to be launched to replace all these fuel operated vehicles in a phased manner will reduce consumption of fuel energy. ![enter image description here][1] • Double Decker buses can be used which can carry more passengers on the road at a particular time, and can save fuel there by reducing the CO2 emission to a large percentage. Countries first electric bus launched in Bangalore, India http://www.newindianexpress.com/cities/bengaluru/Countrys-First-Electric-Bus-Launched-in-Bangalore/2014/02/28/article2082039.ece • Corporate sector: large amount of office spaces especially Knowledge and back offices shall switch to 50 % of solar energy for operating their buildings and equipments and shall switch to solar in a phased manner. A minimum of 50 % use of their total consumed energy in a year, and this shall be made as a mandate with timelines and investment subsidies for investment in solar energy. • Residential: Large townships of residential communities and new and evolving townships should use green building concepts and shall be made obligatory to use sustainable energy sources in their projects, to a minimum of 30 % to 50 % , and shall be given electricity subsidies in proportion to alternative solar energy consumption as incentives (The power generation capacity has not kept pace with the rapid growth of requirements in cities. ThereforeSriram Ramakrishna feels that solar power plant is ideal choice for residential township, technoparksandSEZ.) Source : http://archives.projectvendor.com/ArticleDetailsByCategory.aspx?aid=1408) ![enter image description here][2] ![enter image description here][3] • Wind energy is one of the promising sectors to reduce consumption of energy from fossil fuels and India is one of the promising countries which are suitable to implement the same. As a policy I would implement the usage of wind energy wherever possible for generation of energy, for reducing the dependence on fossil fuels . [1]: https://edxuploads.s3.amazonaws.com/1446180538991503.jpg [2]: https://edxuploads.s3.amazonaws.com/14461812379958674.jpg [3]: https://edxuploads.s3.amazonaws.com/14461812605533496.jpg