Uploaded on 2015-12-15 by maximo_ceron
![enter image description here][1] Venezuela is the biggest exporter of oil in America, also we have the biggest reserves in the world and of course the oil products is the dominant fossil fuel. As we can see in the diagram, case of Venezuela, around 70% of this fuels are consumed by transport, however in Venezuela wants to increase gas production to send it mainly to the industries, now a days the oil consumption is 26.26MTons while the gas consumption is 21.20Mtons. ![enter image description here][2] 3. New policy Fists of all the people in Venezuela are moving by personal transports mainly because the gas is the most economic worldwide and the massive transport is not safety, no shuffle time, no buses stops defined... I think that we have to impulse a high quality massive transport like transmilenio in Bogotá or massive transport Y Curitiba in Brazil, quickly, safety and on time, that idea can reduce the oil consumption. After that impulse the massive transportation of products for and by the industries, goods and services like railway transport. Beside this, we can support the hydro production to reduce the energy production by fossil fuels. Finnaly, a sustainable education will be very important, the people must know about the importance of the environment and nature in our life and how we can protect it. [1]: https://edxuploads.s3.amazonaws.com/1450140091332237.png [2]: https://edxuploads.s3.amazonaws.com/14501454531992263.png