Uploaded on 2015-11-05 by marcelm02
I've lived in Santa Tecla, El Salvador for the past 20 years and since then I have noticed several changes that are reflected on the climate conditions. For example, ten years ago it was usual to have fog during the afternoon and temperatures around 20ºC to 17ºC, nowadays the temperature average is 24ºC simnifically higher, also population has increase from 115 thousands to 135 thousands. Urban area: Panoramic view of Santa Tecla taken from Cordillera del Balsamo. Found at: http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3300/3205810446_ee386de648_b.jpg ![enter image description here][1] Rural area: Talnique a small town located at the North from Santa Tecla. Found at: https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-IQNTlq-hPi4/UhvnJcs58CI/AAAAAAAAEIM/Gwd4CzWdZ3E/s640/DSC03212%2520%2528Copiar%2529.JPG ![enter image description here][2] [1]: http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3300/3205810446_ee386de648_b.jpg [2]: https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-IQNTlq-hPi4/UhvnJcs58CI/AAAAAAAAEIM/Gwd4CzWdZ3E/s640/DSC03212%2520%2528Copiar%2529.JPG **3. Which are the measures you would propose?** - Explore alternative energy production with photovoltaic roofs, green roofs to reduce the usage of air conditioning - Promote the walking/bicycling actives for the population mobility in order to reduce pollution from vehicles - Define forest areas where no construction or any type of infrastructures are allow **4. Is UHI effect concerning policy making in your area?** In my country we do have a Environmental ministry also we have a policy and legislation that prevent action that may put in considerably danger the human health as the natural resources, however the majority of the population doesn't know about them and the generation of pollution is sever. Some national and international organisations are working in order to verify the regulations and policies as developing actions plans to reduce the effect of climate change and pollution consequences on human health.