Uploaded on 2015-11-02 by LuizFelipeLima
The difference between the temperature of these cities and their rural nearby areas are from 4º F - 5º F, a very big difference, wich in places that are located in desert places like the city of Las Vegas, the difference in temperature comes up to 7º F. 2-3. As we all brazilians know the first thing we have to do to avoid the UHI effects is do politics in order to decrease the usage of cars, investiments for the city infrastructure and mobility. A huge problem in most of the brazilian cities is the transportation services, with not too many options in must of the cities, the brazilians sometimes drive for 2 hours to go home after a day of work. Croweded streets by cars and transportation services are our main problem in the country. There is a report from a journal of my city, named "Correio da Bahia", that make comments about the impact the cars polluting the city with the increasing of the UHI effects. In this report they say that the cars are responsable for 74% of the gases that contributes to the UHI effects. http://www.correio24horas.com.br/detalhe/noticia/carros-sao-responsaveis-por-74-das-emissoes-de-gases-do-efeito-estufa-de-salvador/?cHash=10a913061cf51121a7b47f366ba4fb8a 4. This year we had a very important politic compromise by joining the group named "C40", a group made the biggest cities in the world were they have compromised to reduce the emittion of pollutent gases by 40% until 2020. Also there were some pretty interesting infrastructure changes in some main neighborhoods of the city as transforming streets for cars into shared places for cars and citizens, avoiding the use of the car in the area and therefore improving the microclimate comfort. ![Shared floor intervention in the neighborhood of Rio Vermelho in Salvador, Brazil.][1] [1]: http://blogdaponto4.com.br/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/RTEmagicC_RioVermelho_02_LARGO_MARIQUITA.jpg