UHI EFFECT: Santa Cruz de Tenerife
FC-02x Livable Future Cities (1st Run) - Compulsory Exercise 2
Uploaded on 2015-10-16 by JCCordoba
There are no available data comparing temperatures within the urban tissue of my city, Santa Cruz de Tenerife. Anyway, my location would not correspond to a typical city since it is surrounded by high hills and slopes are quite sharp. Although we have a kind of business center, downtown buildings are not really high. The alisios winds (trade winds) are present at least during 9 months acting as fans. Curiously, Temperatures are similar (even higher in areas not exposed to the alisios winds) at rural areas located at the same height (From sea level to around 400 m high in 5 km) where measure instruments are. For example, at the Santa Cruz de Tenerife (population 180.000) station (136 m high) medium temperatures during August (24,6ºC) & September (24,3ºC) were slightly lower than at Igueste de San Andrés (population 800) station (75 m high) – August, 24.7º & September, 24.5º- More information should be necessary for more in depth studies on UHI concerning as already said the interior of the city. Which are the measures you would propose? Increase of temperatures due to the urbanization process is not really an issue as stated. Anyway, there are measures to be taken combining prevention measures against floods and a more livable urban environment increasing tree plantation all around the city. Is UHI effect concerning policy making in your area? Not really. There are other priorities since it has been observed an increased number of climate phenomena (Numbers of storms and floods, dust storms from the nearby Sahara even colder and humid winters all together) affecting the whole island. Moreover, there no data available with accurate measures of the UHI effect in the city. ![Santa Cruz de Tenerife][1] ![Igueste de San Andrés][2] [1]: https://edxuploads.s3.amazonaws.com/14450342342795577.jpg [2]: https://edxuploads.s3.amazonaws.com/14450342759920849.jpg