Week 6 Compulsory exercise: Venezuela
FC-02x Livable Future Cities (1st Run) - Compulsory Exercise 3
Uploaded on 2015-12-15 by JoseArcila
Venezuela is an oil producer country, according to the Sankey diagram, the oil production is of 163,94 Millions of tonnes, but more than 60% (104,78 Millions of tons) are exported. Even taken this into consideration, the final consumption of energy comes from refined oil products, predominantly used for transport (mainly fuel and diesel), industry uses as fuel as oil products. Both, industry and transports are based in hydrocarbons, only electricity production comes mainly from the exploitation of a renewable energy source, through the hydro production. ![ingrese la descripciĆ³n de la imagen aquĆ][1] Sankey Diagram of Venezuela. Source: [http://www.iea.org/sankey/#?c=Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela&s=Balance][2] **2. Where are the dominant fossil fuels mainly used for in your country?** Clearly, the first consumer of fossil fuels are industry and transport. The first one, from three main sources: oil, natural gas and a part of electricity; and the second one, specifically through the use of oil, since the transport system in Venezuela is based in ground transportation of loads by trucks and people by private cars and buses. **3. It is your task to create a new policy in order to improve the environmental friendly and sustainable sources and consumption of energy of your country. How would you do that?** The economy of Venezuela really depends of fossil fuels, taking in consideration the exports, however, it could be possible to supply the internal consumption with sustainable sources of energy. First of all, the transport system can be redevoleped to give priority to the public transport, specially the one that uses electricity instead of oil, while increasing the electricity production from non-fossil sources, like hydro power (the main hydroelectric power station, the "Guri" Dam is working under its capacity). Using public transport such as, for example, rail systems, would reduce the pollution from combustion of trucks and cars while using electricity from clean sources, and it would improve the mobility too. In case of industry, it can be regulated to prioritize the use of less energy and obtained from clean sources. ![Guri Dam, Venezuela. Source: Wikimedia Commons][3] Guri Dam, Bolivar State, Venezuela [1]: https://edxuploads.s3.amazonaws.com/145015414687233.jpg [2]: http://www.iea.org/sankey/#?c=Bolivarian%20Republic%20of%20Venezuela&s=Balance [3]: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/6/6f/GuriWasserkraftwerk.jpg